Can Hamsters Eat Almonds?

Question: Can hamsters eat almonds?

Answer: Yes you can feed your hamster almonds, but be careful with how much of them you give.

What are Almonds?

Almonds are crunchy nuts that are nutrient-dense. They consist of

– monounsaturated fatty acids (good for cardiovascular health)

– fiber (which helps regulate insulin levels and digestive system)

– proteins

– vitamins E, K, D (vitamins that help nourish cells and control the inflammation process in the body)

– calcium, phosphor, iron, manganese

It is also believed that almonds have medicinal properties. They are thought to help the nervous system and reduce inflammation. Almonds contain melatonin which can be used to treat insomnia. They are often given as a remedy for tinnitus (ringing in the ears).

Can Hamsters Eat Almonds?
Photo by Kafeel Ahmed on

Can hamsters eat Almonds?

Almonds, as well as many other nuts and seeds, are generally safe to be given to your hamster. However, feeding too many of them can pose a problem (such as obesity or diabetes).

If you feed your hamster almonds (or any other nuts), keep an eye on its behavior and body condition. If it starts gaining too much weight, decrease the number of nuts you give to your hamster. If it shows signs of diabetes (such as drinking excessively or seemingly “not feeling well”) – try changing its diet by adding more vegetables and fruits into it.

Another reason not to give your hamsters almonds is that they are very high in fat, which is not good for your hamster’s health. Also, keep in mind that some nuts are poisonous to hamsters. Macadamia nuts, walnuts, and Brazil nuts should be avoided.

Regarding the question can hamsters eat almonds – while they are generally safe to feed them, you have to watch their weight and pay attention to signs of diabetes.

The perfect diet for your hamster

Hamsters are omnivores, which means they eat a variety of both plants and animals.

In the wild hamsters would eat a mixture of plants and insects, so the ideal diet for a hamster would be similar to this, such as a mixture of fresh vegetables and high protein dried insects such as mealworms.

In the wild, hamsters probably do not eat almonds.

Almonds are a nut and as such contain lots of healthy fats that can be good for hamsters, but they also have a lot of calories, which means that feeding too many can make your pet overweight.

Plus, there is also the risk of diabetes if you feed your hamster too many almonds.

As with any food, including nuts and seeds, moderation is key when it comes to the diet of your hamster. As long as you are careful in what you feed your pet, there is no reason why they cannot eat some almonds. However, they should not make up a large portion of their daily food.

What are the benefits of almonds for hamsters?

Almonds can be given to your hamster as a treat. They are more nutritious than standard “treats” such as seeds and corn.

Benefits include;

– they are a good source of protein, healthy fats, and fiber

– almonds contain vitamins E, K, D which support the cells in your hamster’s body and help control inflammation

– almonds may have some medicinal properties (vitamins E, K, D)

What are the risks of giving almonds to hamsters?

Risks of (over)feeding your hamster almonds include:

– Too many nuts can make hamsters obese, which could lead to diabetes.

– Almonds are high in fat, which is not good if they are given too often.

– Almonds could also be considered a choking hazard.

What happens if I give my hamster too many almonds?

If you feed your hamster eats too many almonds (or any other kind of nut) the most common side effect is weight gain.

Weight gain can be bad because it will make your hamster look “fat” which in turn could lead to diseases such as insulitis, diabetes, or arthritis.

Whether you give your hamster almonds or not is up to you, as long as there are no signs of diabetes and it’s gaining healthy weight – feeding them almonds should be fine.

How many almonds should you feed your hamster?

How many almonds should you feed your hamster?

Typically you should not give your hamster any more than a few almonds per day.

Remember that Almonds are high in fat and that because of this they should be given sparsely, especially if your hamster is not getting enough exercise.

The breed of hamsters will also determine how many almonds you should give them.

For example, smaller breeds such as dwarf hamsters shouldn’t be fed as much almond as a larger breed such as a Syrian.

What else you can feed your hamster

Other than good quality hamster food, you can also feed your hamster a wide variety of fresh fruits & vegetables.

What fruits can you feed your hamster other than Almonds?

Other than eating Almonds, hamsters can also eat;

  • Apple
  • Melon
  • Peach
  • Pear

What vegetables can you feed your hamster?

In addition to eating fruit, hamsters can also eat vegetables;

  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage
  • Carrot
  • Cauliflower
  • Chicory
  • Courgette
  • Cucumber
  • Cress
  • Spinach
  • Sweet peppers

What herbs can you feed your hamster

  • Basil
  • Coriander
  • Parsley
  • Sage

What should you not feed your hamster?

With many options of commercial hamster food, it’s worth noting that there are some that should be avoided.

In particular muesli-style pre-mixed food is not recommended, the reason for this is that your hamster will likely pick out the foods that are high in sugar and low in fiber – which is the wrong way round!

High sugar food can cause issues with your hamsters teeth and can cause your hamster to put on excess weight.

Be sure not to feed your hamster citrus fruits such as;

  • Grapefruits
  • Lemons
  • Oranges


Hamsters can eat almonds, in moderation.

Generally, it is fine to feed your hamster some almonds. However, just be sure not to overfeed them.

You should also make sure they are getting a good quality diet in addition to the almonds.

Most importantly though, make sure you consult with an expert before making any changes to your hamster’s diet and be sure to monitor its weight!

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