Are you looking for the best veterinary practices in California (CA)?
Looking for a good veterinarian is really important, however there are lots of things you need to consider before rushing out and going to the first vet you can find in California.
Follow the simple steps below to help you find the best vets in California.
- You’ll probably find many veterinary practices in California online but how can you be sure they are a reputable vet?
- Do you know what important things to look for when selecting a vet in California for your pet?
- Is your local veterinary practice registered with the appropriate medical association in California?
- Does the vet you’ve found in California accept your pet insurance policy, do they work directly with your insurer or will you be faced with lots of out of pocket expenses?
We’ve created a vet guide, packed full of tips to help you select the best vet in California, if you’d like a copy just enter your details below.

Where to find veterinarians In California (CA).
There’s loads of places to find a good vet in California, let’s take a look at some of the popular options.
Internet / Google Search
The most obvious place to start is a google search!
You’ve probably tried searching for something like;
‘Best veterinarians in California’, ‘California veterinarians’, ‘Veterinarians in (CA)’, Best vets in California’, ‘California vets’, ‘vets in (CA)’
This is a good place to start and will usually give you good results such as our veterinarian directory, which can help you locate a reputable vet nearby in California.
Google Maps
Whilst you’re googling the best vets in California, you could also make use of google maps.
You can harness the power of Google Maps to find nearby vets in California.
If the map above isn’t working for you then there may not be any veterinarian practices listed on Google maps in California, however, you can also try our Vets Near Me Tool, which may have listings not shown Google.
Vet Directories
As well as online searches and map listings, you can also use a good vet directory.
We have a comprehensive list of veterinarians in California included in our online directory which you can access below.
We also have listings for vets in all other US states, if you are looking for a vet in a different state click here.
California Veterinarian Directory
You can try our online vet directory, which has a list of veterinarians in California;
1639 N Fresno St, Fresno, CA 93703
405 E 18th St, Antioch, CA 94509
4508 E Ashlan Ave, Fresno, CA 93726
10012 N Foothill Blvd, Cupertino, CA 95014
4470 El Camino Real, Los Altos, CA 94022
How do you know which is the best vet in California?
Whilst the above options should help you find a vet, how do you know they are reputable?
Whilst our directory allows users to leave reviews, not all listings have reviews and therefore we highly suggest you search for reviews of vets in California online.
We have a couple of suggestions on where to find honest reviews for veterinary practices in California.
Online reviews
The first and easiest suggestion is to search for online reviews of vets in California, try googling;
Reviews of ‘veterinary practice name’ or Reviews of ‘vet name’ + California
You’ll should find a couple of reviews in the first few search results.
Facebook Groups
Facebook is another fantastic place to find honest reviews of veterinarians in California.
People tend to leave very honest reviews on Facebook, so this is one of our preferred methods for finding good vets in California.
Click here to search Facebook groups that discuss veterinary practices in California.
Whilst you are on Facebook we’d also encourage you to like our Facebook page!

What qualifications do vets need to practice medicine in California?
It’s natural to be nervous about selecting a new veterinarian in California for your pet.
There are so many factors to consider when choosing a new vet in (CA).
- Will you like the individual?
- Is the hospital stay duration suitable for your schedule?
- Do they accept your pet insurance policy?
But, there are more than just day-to-day practicalities to consider when picking a veterinarian in California and probably the most important thing you’ll want to know is if your local veterinarian practice and it’s staff have the appropriate qualifications.
Mandatory US veterinary qualifications
When seeking a veterinarian, make sure the one you’re considering is licensed in the United States and the state of California.
You might also want to inquire about whether any other individuals working in the hospital are licensed, such as registered veterinary technicians, the easiest way to do this is by vesting the veterinary practice and having a look around. If you can’t find certificates hanging in the reception area, ask the receptionist if it is possible to see copies.
You can also contact your state board of veterinary medicine, in this case Alabama for further information if you don’t see the certifications displayed.
The two qualifications you are looking for are;
DVM (VMD) – Doctor of Veterinary Medicine – All veterinarians in the United States must have a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) degree. A DVM degree indicates that the individual you’re considering is a properly trained veterinarian with all necessary qualifications to practice effectively.
State Veterinary Licensing – In order to practice veterinary medicine, many states demand that veterinarians pass a state-specific licensing exam. These tests typically check the veterinarian’s understanding of the state’s rules and regulations governing veterinary practice.
These are the basic minimum requirements that any vet in California should have.
If your pet has more specific medical needs you may also want to consider a practice in California where the staff have additional qualifications, such as;
Diplomate of the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners (DABVP) which allows the vet to practice more advance procedures.
Or if you have a particularly anxious pet you may want to consider a practice that holds a Fear Free Certification which indicates that staff have been trained to deal with anxious pets.
We know this can be a lot to remember! We have created an essential guide for selecting a veterinarian practice, it’s packed full of tips and questions yo can ask your vet. You can grab your free copy below, just drop us a message in the comments
Can You Recommend a Good Veterinarian In California?
We hope this article has helped you find a good vet in California (CA).
If you’ve had a great experience with a vet in California, please do let us know in the comments below.
Whereabouts in California were they based, what was the vets name?
As you know, It really helps others who are searching for a veterinarian practice in the California area if they can read honest reviews from patients like yourself.
Do you manage veterinarian practice in California and we’ve missed you from our directory? Get in touch and we will add your practice to our directory.