Did you know that Syrian hamsters are also known as golden hamsters? These furry little creatures are one of the most popular pet rodents in the world. Most people are familiar with the common pet hamsters known as Syrian hamsters, but how much do you really know about these furry little creatures? Here are some fun Syrian hamster facts that will make your day!
Facinating Facts About Syrian Hamsters
Here are our favorite syrian hamster facts:
- Syrian hamsters are also known as golden hamsters.
- They were first introduced to the public in 1930 by a man named, Bill Jordan
- Contrary to popular belief, syrian hamsters do not hibernate; however, they can slow down their metabolism and go into a deep sleep when the weather is cold.
- Hamsters can eat about a quarter of their body weight every single day! That’s why it is important to make sure your little friend has an unlimited supply of food available to him or her throughout the day.
- Syrian hamsters have a lifespan of about two to three years, but some have been known to live up to six years.
- Syrian Hamsters can weigh anywhere from 60 to 120 grams when they reach adulthood.
- syrian hamsters come in a variety of colors including black, white, light brown, and dark brown. However, their fur can also change color depending on their mood or what season it is. For example, syrian hamsters that live in colder climates will have a thicker coat of fur in the winter to keep them warm.
- Syrian hamsters are crepuscular animals, which means they are most active at dawn and dusk.
- Syrian hamsters are omnivorous which means they eat both plant and animal material. Their diet consists mostly of seeds, fruits, vegetables, and nuts but they’ll also eat small insects, rodents, and other small prey items.
- Syrian hamsters are one of the easiest rodents to breed and they often have up to eight babies at a time.
- Syrian hamsters love to play and can be very active when they’re young. They’ll often use their paws and teeth to explore their surroundings and will quickly learn how to run on their wheel!
- syrian hamsters are extremely intelligent creatures who can build nests out of almost anything they find around your home. They often carry things with them in order to use later when building their nests which is why you’ll sometimes find small pieces of paper or cloth mixed up in the bedding materials.
- syrianshamsters do not make good pets for young children because they’re very fragile animals who need special care from people who know what they’re doing. If syrians hamsters are not handled properly or if they’re exposed to too much noise and commotion, syrian hamsters can become very stressed out which results in a shorter lifespan.
- You should never house a male syrian hamster with another male because they will likely fight one another. You also have to watch two female syrians because they often get into fights as well!
- syrian hamsters have very sharp teeth and claws.
- Syrians are born with their eyes closed and the only time they open is when they’re between twelve and fourteen days old
- Male Syrian hamsters are larger than females and tend to be more aggressive.
- They are omnivores and eat a variety of things, including fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, and insects. Their diet shoukd consist mostly of fresh fruits and vegetables.
- Syrian hamsters have an interesting way of storing food. They will put food in their cheeks and carry it around with them until they can find a safe place to hide it.
- Syrian hamsters are excellent climbers and can even climb trees!
- When syrian hamsters sense danger, they stand on their back lags to look more threatening.
- Syrian hamsters can be trained to do tricks, like come when called or roll over.
We hope you found these Syrian Hamster facts interesting, let us know your favourite fact in the comments section below.
Syrian hamsters are wonderful pets for those who are ready to accept all of the responsibility that comes with caring for one. They require a lot of exercise, a good diet, and lots on love in order to thrive, so if you think you can give all of that for your new furry companion, go out and get yourself a syrian hamster right away!