Can Rabbits Eat Mango?

Question: Can rabbits eat mango?

Answer: Of course, but only in moderation and not frequently.

Do Rabbits Like Mango?

Anyone who’s eaten mango before would know how irresistible the fruit is. So it shouldn’t be much of a surprise that most rabbits eat mango too. These cute creatures can eat just about anything that comes out of a veggie garden – peas, carrots, strawberries, and any other sweet fruits given to them. 

Still, not all rabbits eat mango, and that’s fine. They have preferences too. If your rabbit falls in this category, you can always find an alternative that it’ll enjoy. 

However, just because rabbits eat mango doesn’t mean the fruit is the best or safest option for them. It also doesn’t mean that they should be allowed to indulge frequently.

How Safe are Mangoes for Rabbits to Eat?

Mangoes contain Vitamin C and a high fiber content that will help your rabbit’s digestive system and help stabilize their blood sugar level. Generally, a mango has some nutrients that are beneficial to your rabbit. 

Some foods eaten by humans can be toxic to animals, including your pet rabbit. Such foods should be avoided altogether. While mango isn’t particularly harmful to rabbits, too much of the fruit may cause problems for your pet.

Also, if you choose to feed mango to your rabbit, try not to make it their regular diet. A rabbit’s normal diet should be limited to grass, hay, commercial feed pellets, and of course, a bowl of freshwater.

Rabbits must consume a diet high in fiber and low in fat and sugar. Fiber helps their digestive system and keeps them healthy. These pets usually get that fiber in the hay, which contains a lot of fiber. So, yes, mango can be fed to them because it contains fiber, but the wrong amount might make your rabbit ill.

What Quantity of Mango Should I Feed my Rabbit?

Remember that fruits and veggies are simply “treats” and not your rabbit’s main source of nutrients. Therefore, they should make up only about 10-15% of your pet’s diet. You need to feed your rabbits mangoes in moderation, so they should be offered mangoes about once or twice per week. Experts recommend one teaspoon per serving for average-sized bunnies and a smaller portion for smaller rabbits. 

If you’re giving them more than once a week, don’t feed them two days in a row. We wouldn’t want to get those rabbits addicted to the fruit. Get them used to hay and grass, their first source of nutrition.

How Should I Feed Mangoes to my Rabbits?

Before anything, you need to ensure that you’re getting the mango from a reputable source. Avoid low-quality fruit that’s unripe or looks unhealthy. Once you’re sure of the mango’s quality, you can go ahead to wash and cut out the seed. Slice the mango into smaller pieces to make it easier for your animal to eat.

If you’re feeding the rabbit mango for the first time, you may want to start with bite-sized pieces to see how it reacts to the fruit. You may also need to mix mango pieces with other fruits and vegetables in a bowl so that your rabbit won’t have any choice but to eat it all. 

Put the fruit or fruits in a shallow plate that won’t be easily tipped over, with some freshwater next to it. Uneaten fruits should be thrown away, and the plates washed immediately. Allowing leftovers to linger in your pet’s dish might encourage bacterial growth, which can be unsafe for the bunny.

Can Baby Rabbits Eat Mango?

Baby bunnies shouldn’t consume mangoes due to their sensitive digestive systems. In fact, you need not feed baby rabbits any kinds of vegetables or fruits until they’re about 12 weeks old.

Afterward, you can slowly introduce them to juicy vegetables and watch for any side effects. Once it looks like your pet is adjusting to that veggie, you can try more of it or move on to other types of vegetables or fruits. As they get older, you may start feeding them mango sometimes.

Can Rabbits Eat Mango Peels or Other Mango Products?

Rabbits eat mango peels, but many of them won’t. It isn’t a big deal whether they eat it or not. If you are feeding them the peels, ensure they are fresh and free of peels. However, it would be best if you kept them off dried mango and mango juice.

Dried mangoes have high sugar content, more than regular ones. The mango juice also has high sugar content and acidity content, which can harm your furry friends.

You can also offer them mango leaves and stems, although these rabbits would rather eat the juicy part of the fruits than stems and leaves if given a choice.

Major Concerns of Feeding Mango to Your Rabbit

While mango is an enjoyable fruit, some common issues can be of huge concern to both the pet and its owner. Some of them are:

  • Parasites: Some mangoes harbor parasites that are dangerous to your rabbit. To avoid this, look out for potential parasites before purchasing the fruit.
  • Pesticides: Some mangoes have chemicals and pesticides on them. This is why you have to wash them before feeding them to your pet thoroughly.
  • Some mangoes are overly ripe and can cause diarrhea or gastrointestinal issues if given to your bunny. Avoid these kinds of mangoes.
  • Mangoes contain some natural acids that may not be harmful to the rabbits unless they are overfed. 


It’s perfectly okay if your rabbits have a soft spot for mangoes, and it’s terrific for you to satisfy their cravings now and then. However, in the process of keeping your bunny happy, don’t forget that you might be doing them more harm than good if you go all out and overindulge them.

Too much mango can lead to health issues you or your rabbits aren’t ready for and would rather avoid. Immature rabbits and those with underlying health conditions shouldn’t be fed the fruit until they are older or better.

You should instead focus on giving your rabbit a well-balanced diet of hay and grass and plenty of water, with veggies and fruits serving as “treats.”

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